Game Reviewer
07/07/2022 |
90 |
Fobia – St. Dinfna Hotel es una declaración de amor al género survival horror de ayer y hoy, combinándolo a la perfección con un sistema de puzles desafiantes y una narrativa que te mantiene en vilo de principio a fin. Un desarrollo indie soberbio que se hace un hueco entre los mejores juegos por méritos propios.
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Xbox Tavern
Carlos Santuana
19/07/2022 |
88 |
Carlos Santuana
Overall, whilst the combat could be improved, and if I’m being picky the enemy types could have been expanded upon, the 10–12-hour playtime is worth investing if you enjoy horror and want something refreshing to give you a scare. There may have been multiple horrors to have arrived recently, but this one certainly stands up there as one of the better releases of 2022, whilst the story is one that sticks in the mind from the opening moments and continues after the controller goes down at the end of the evening.
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Comunidad Xbox
Mario Vadillo
03/07/2022 |
85 |
Mario Vadillo
Pese a ser un survival-horror en primera persona, encontramos poco de survival…y también poco de horror. El juego premia mas la exploración del entorno, la búsqueda de pistas antes que sentirnos agobiados en cada planta pasándolo mal con todo aquello que se mueva. Eso no es malo, ya que de esa forma el ritmo de la aventura es mas fluido, con momentos de deducción, otros de acción con las armas de fuego que tendremos y por supuesto, los momentos de tensión huyendo y escondiéndonos de los monstruos. Si os gusta el género, no os perdáis esta propuesta y ya sabéis, poned cinco estrellas en la web del hotel si la estancia ha sido placentera.
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M2 Gaming
06/07/2022 |
85 |
Dans l’ensemble FOBIA – St. Dinfna Hotel est une superbe surprise pour moi, grand amateur de jeux de type survie-horreur. On peut dire que Pulsatrix a visé juste pour faire vibrer les cordes des fans du genre et que même si le jeu semble tout droit être sortie des tables de création de Capcom, celui-ci conserve quand même son identité propre à lui grâce à son scénario. Si vous aimez le genre comme moi, je vous le recommande fortement, surtout à une prix qui est à la moitié des grands titres vendus à près de 90$. Et pour votre premier passage du jeu, attendez-vous d’y mettre au minimum 8-10 heures de votre temps, ce qui est à mon sens, on bon rapport qualité/durée, prix.
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13/07/2022 |
85 |
FOBIA – St. Dinfna Hotel is a really good survival horror game that’s definitely worth checking out. It has some nuisance with the inventory system, but this shouldn’t stop you from trying it out.
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Anthony Mann
27/07/2022 |
85 |
Anthony Mann
I really love Fobia. I know my review focused more on the negative but I can’t really go into puzzles without entirely spoiling them and that is where I got most of my enjoyment. I’ve never finished a game for review before and started it back up immediately to enter a New Game + mode, that is how much I love Fobia. I had some technical issues in the later portion of the game that I assume is because I am playing on an original model of Xbox One and they were easily solved by simply saving the game and restarting it. Anyone who has played Resident Evil: Village and is looking for an inexpensive, well made horror game that was clearly made by fans of the genre will likely find a lot to enjoy. I also still think anyone who likes metroidvanias should give this a shot too. I can’t wait to see what Pulsatrix Studios does next.
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27/06/2022 |
85 |
FOBIA: St. Dinfna Hotel è un titolo realizzato in modo stupefacente ed immersivo. Riesce a farti sentire quei momenti di suspense e terrore che titoli di questo genere sanno dare. La parte esplorativa ed investigativa donano un ottimo gameplay dato che non sai mai cosa può succederti dietro l’angolo e credo fermamente che sia questo ciò che un titolo horror e survival deve trasmettere. Per tutta la durata del gioco senti la paura e l’ansia di quel luogo, poi se siete un po’ come me, suscettibili a questo tipo di atmosfera vi godrete ancora di più tutta l’avventura.
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Games Ever
02/07/2022 |
85 |
Um dos melhores games brasileiros, Fobia: St. Dinfna Hotel traz todo o clima de terror e suspense que os grandes clássicos da era 32-bit sabiam fazer. História cativante, ambientação soberba e lindos gráficos fazem de Fobia um dos melhores games do ano para o estilo terror
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Comunidad en Español
01/07/2022 |
83 |
Los monstruos aunque son pocos, están bien modelados y da gusto verlos. Los puzles pueden ser difíciles en algunos momentos pero al completarlos te dan esa sensación de felicidad momentánea garantizada; en definitiva, un titulo que recomendamos.
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Alejandro Altaber
30/06/2022 |
82 |
Alejandro Altaber
Fobia: St. Dinfna Hotel me ha transmitido las mismas sensaciones que Daymare: 1998. Ambos derrochan mimo, cariño y respeto por sus claras inspiraciones, con equipos talentoso que lo dan todo para firmar el mejor resultado posible e incluso aportando sus propias ideas a un género cada vez más explotado. Llevábamos tiempo siguiendo la evolución del desarrollo de Pulsatrix Studios, y estamos tremendamente contentos del gran título de terror que han conseguido, con una narrativa intrigante, una atmósfera impecable, puzles variados, exploración bien estructurada y un apartado gráfico bien solventado mediante el Unreal Engine.
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Guardado Rápido
Gabriel Cuesta
27/06/2022 |
80 |
Gabriel Cuesta
Fobia St. Dinfna Hotel es una experiencia accesible para todos, pero tienes que estar dispuesto a disfrutar con los sustos y la exploración paciente, si fan del gatillo rápido esto no es para ti. En conclusión, enhorabuena para Pulsatrix, gran debut recomendable para el gran público, esperemos que pronto consigan sacar un nuevo título con más medios.
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Hobby Consolas
Daniel Quesada de la Cámara
27/06/2022 |
80 |
Daniel Quesada de la Cámara
No pasarás miedo con él, pero sí te sentirás como en los viejos tiempos de los survival horror, gracias a sus trabajados puzzles y a su misteriosa historia.
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Geeks and Com
02/07/2022 |
80 |
Fobia – St. Dinfna Hotel n’est pas un jeu parfait, mais est extrêmement satisfaisant. Le jeu mise avant tout sur l’ambiance et les énigmes. On dirait que les monstres ont été ajoutés sans grande attention. Sans aucun guide, il vous faudra une dizaine d’heures pour venir à bout du secret de St. Dinfna. Si vous aimez les jeux d’action, vous ne trouverez pas votre plaisir ici. Par contre, si vous adorez explorer un lieu pour venir à bout de tous ses secrets à travers énigmes et passages secrets, Fobia vous tiendra en haleine.
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PlayStation Country
05/07/2022 |
80 |
Fobia – St. Dinfna Hotel is a really good survival horror title. Yes there is combat but it’s in the exploration and puzzle solving that the game really shines. These puzzles take a little brain power and you need to be observant to get all the optional ones too. It’s really rewarding to get through. If it’s that element of this genre that appeals to you then check this one out, it’s well worth the time.
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Simone Pettine
16/07/2022 |
80 |
Simone Pettine
Fobia - St. Dinfna Hotel è un survival horror valido e interessante, dalla trama accattivante, dagli enigmi riusciti e appaganti, dalla progressione non lineare ma ben calibrata. Persino il comparto tecnico su PlayStation 5 si è dimostrato perfettamente solido, a parte qualche incertezza grafica nelle breve sequenze che si svolgono al di fuori della struttura alberghiera. In sé la promozione è doverosa, così come è consigliato l'acquisto, perché Fobia ha convinto chi scrive molto più dei recenti MADiSON e Visage. I "problemi" principali sono due, o forse soltanto uno, perché in fondo il primo potrebbe non costituire affatto un ostacolo per chi legge. In primis, Fobia è davvero un survival horror derivativo: echi e calchi diretti da Resident Evil, Outlast e chissà quanti altri horror sono evidenti in ogni dove. In secondo luogo, il sistema di combattimento dovrebbe essere drasticamente rivisto, poiché il tutto risulta un po' legnoso e privo di senso; basti pensare alle creature che attaccano soltanto se ci si ritrova a un palmo dal loro naso, o da qualsiasi organo olfattivo abbiano al suo posto. Ma per tutto il resto, Fobia - St. Dinfna Hotel convince, e vi invitiamo a dargli una possibilità.
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IGN Italia
Alessandra Borgonovo 'Aelinar'
24/07/2022 |
80 |
Alessandra Borgonovo 'Aelinar'
Fobia - St. Dinfna Hotel è un horror che sa farsi valere, soprattutto in virtù dei suoi enigmi ma anche grazie a una fluidità generale dell'esperienza: ogni cosa è ben collegata sia in termini di gameplay sia di narrativa, risultando così in un'esperienza conservativa ma piacevole, che strizza più volte l'occhio ad aluni giganti come Resident Evil senza per questo diventarne la copia. Mantiene una propria identità dall'inizio alla fine, lasciandosi giocare con molto piacere e aprendosi a nuove partite più hardcore se siete cacciatori di trofei. L'atmosfera stessa è molto riuscita e tiene sulle spine proprio perché non si sa cosa potrebbe succedere.
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Daniel Martín Martínez
26/09/2022 |
80 |
Daniel Martín Martínez
Fobia: St. Dinfna Hotel es un survival horror con tintes clásicos que le sienta de maravilla y que basa su jugabilidad en la exploración y la resolución de acertijos. Recogerás objetos, guardarás los que no puedas llevar encima en un baúl, tendrás que combinarlos, volverás a habitaciones anteriores al encontrar ese objeto que tanto buscabas y te enfrentarás a algún enemigo suelto. Sí, hay combates, pero donde brilla es cuando pone el foco en esos rompecabezas que te obligan a comerte el coco y a ir de un lado a otro por el hotel. Todo ello rodeado de una interesante historia con toques sobrenaturales, experimentos, y monstruos deformados que inevitablemente llevan a pensar que estamos ante un Resident Evil.
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Spazio Games
Domenico Musicò
27/06/2022 |
77 |
Domenico Musicò
Fobia - St. Dinfna Hotel dimostra come si possa sviluppare un survival horror che all'apparenza sembra solo un clone senz'anima, ma che in realtà riesce ad avere una propria fisionomia e una direzione chiara dall'inizio alla fine. Certo, si tratta di un progetto molto derivativo, che pesca a piene mani dai capitoli della rinascita di Resident Evil, eppure ha dei tratti distintivi (come i brillanti enigmi) che gli conferiscono una forma chiara e mai incerta. Sebbene l'IA nemica e i combattimenti siano migliorabili, l'horror brasiliano ha una sua solidità non trascurabile, che può far avvicinare gli amanti del genere e tutti coloro che apprezzano la nuova impostazione che Capcom ha pensato per la propria saga horror.
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Generación Xbox
Alejandro Serrador
27/06/2022 |
75 |
Alejandro Serrador
Imaginemos que aparte de este análisis existe otro. Uno parecido, pero con un enfoque distinto en su planteamiento. Podría ser que, en lugar de analizar la obra desarrollada por la gente de Pulsatrix Studios, se centrase, que dejase a un lado los anales del terror para tratar otros tantos géneros. Esa es la teoría de las realidades paralelas. Deambulando por los senderos más abruptos de la conciencia, FOBIA – St. Dinfna Hotel se pierde en los oscuros límites de la razón buscando los temores más recónditos, para ofrecernos un descenso a la locura donde el terror, el suspense y la ficción convergen para sembrar múltiples incógnitas.
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Keenan McCall
01/07/2022 |
75 |
Keenan McCall
Fobia: St. Dinfna Hotel is not a terrible game. While it has its flaws, horror fans will find plenty to like about it and will likely love the majority of their time spent with it.
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Dean Clark
11/07/2022 |
75 |
Dean Clark
Fobia - St. Dinfna Hotel really is a great horror game that provides an entertaining experience in its playthrough! There are some things I wish they would have gone deeper into and was hoping for more focus on the paranormal aspects, but still happy with the route they took with the game. The variety of puzzle styles and options was a pleasant surprise to see so diversified too. Truly a great horror game that just needed a little bit more to feel like a classic. Something that I can see these developers being able to pull off with a sequel title that I will be hoping to see them make.
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08/07/2022 |
75 |
Fobia – St. Dinfna Hotel is an interesting first-person supernatural thriller experience that, as you can tell from the screens and trailer in this Fobia – St. Dinfna Hotel review, draws inspiration from series such as the Resident Evil franchise. The game does a good job of paying homage to its source material while doing its own thing, and other than the voice acting for the main character feeling a bit flat and out of place, there’s not much to complain about for this one. Fobia – St. Difna Hotel is out on PlayStation 4 with a $29.99 asking price. There’s also a PlayStation 5 version available as a separate purchase.
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Noisy Pixel
Nathan Mejia
27/06/2022 |
75 |
Nathan Mejia
Fobia isn’t perfect, but it’s through those imperfections that I see a game that loves what survival horror was and tries to capture that magic. Even though enemies are quickly dispatched and the dark lighting can be detrimental to the puzzles at times, fans of the genre will enjoy their time rummaging through the halls of the St Dinfna Hotel.
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Florent Erculisse
08/07/2022 |
74 |
Florent Erculisse
Si la comparaison avec son illustre modèle, Resident Evil, semble inévitable, Fobia St. Dinfna Hotel a de réels atouts à faire valoir. Avec sa vue à la première personne, Fobia nous emmène dans un lieu résolument sombre, un hôtel totalement délabré par une force malfaisante méconnue et visité par une jeune fille portant… un masque à gaz. Mettant aux prises trois époques (1920, 1960 et 2009), le titre nous plonge directement dans la lutte d’un journaliste pour sa survie face à ce qui semble être une menace sectaire. Un scénario habilement conçu qui s’articule autour de multiples énigmes bien ficelées nous permettant d’évoluer dans le scénario, exploitant toutes un intrigant appareil photo argentique servant de passerelle entre les époques. Un scénario qui délaisse malheureusement très vite l’aspect horrifique de la chose au profit de phases d’action contre des ennemis malheureusement peu variés. Les sensations de tir sont plutôt bonnes, mais le gameplay accuse quelques lourdeurs dans les déplacements et la gestion du pointeur, destiné à interagir avec l’environnement. Qu’à cela ne tienne, Fobia reste une excellente expérience, une très bonne alternative à Resident Evil 7, de surcroit vendue à un tarif attractif.
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Press Play Media
01/07/2022 |
72 |
With a good length campaign (we completed the game in just under ten hours) and a budget price point, this is a solid recommendation for horror fans. It doesn’t do anything particularly original and the combat is a bit underwhelming, but it delivers where it should.
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Alberto Morales Palencia 'Kalas'
06/07/2022 |
70 |
Alberto Morales Palencia 'Kalas'
En Treze Trilhas se encuentra el Hotel St. Dinfina, objeto de misteriosas desapariciones y actividad paranormal. Para desvelar su historia, el periodista Roberto Leite Lopes viaja a Santa Catarina siguiendo un consejo de su amiga Stephanie. Sus habilidades serán necesarias para descubrir la verdad y sobrevivir al descubrir una cámara que revela diferentes líneas temporales, una secta fanática, experimentos humanos y apariciones. Resuelve puzles e impede su caza mientras el pasado, presente y futuro se enfrentan.
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Gareth Brierley
03/07/2022 |
70 |
Gareth Brierley
The retro survival horror tactics of FOBIA – St. Dinfna Hotel are enjoyable enough for the first few hours, as you go about exploring and working out what is going on, all as a strange tale of the supernatural unfolds. It’s only when the combat gets involved and monsters start appearing around every corner that the interest starts to wane, as the threat becomes a bit redundant.
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Oscar M. G.
27/06/2022 |
70 |
Oscar M. G.
A poco que te gusten los juegos de terror, dale una oportunidad a este titulo ya que, a pesar de que no verás mucha innovación, disfrutarás de unas cuantas horas resolviendo puzles y pasando algo de miedo y tensión.
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Rubén Manzanares 'S3nsei'
27/06/2022 |
70 |
Rubén Manzanares 'S3nsei'
Fobia: St. Dinfna Hotel, no se trata de un mal survival horror, quizás tiene mecánicas que están poco aprovechadas y un apartado sonoro que no es muy destacable pero por su apartado visual y sus más de 18 horas, se trata de un titulo muy recomendable para los amantes del género.
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Way Too Many Games
02/07/2022 |
70 |
Fobia: St. Dinfna Hotel is much better than I expected it to be. The tense exploration of the hotel calls back to the good old days of Resident Evil. It’s a wonderfully designed location that is easy to get lost in thanks to the little direction, yet still doesn’t feel too obtuse. Unfortunately, the game is let down by some weak combat and a story that is completely forgettable. Even with its shortcomings, it’s still an engaging and tense adventure. If you are looking for a classic survival horror experience, Fobia can provide just that.
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Push Square
John Cal McCormick
27/06/2022 |
70 |
John Cal McCormick
We’re giving Fobia - St. Dinfna Hotel the benefit of the doubt. It’s flawed for sure. But the ten or twelve-hour playing time is mostly a good time thanks to the effectiveness of the titular guest house as a setting and the oppressive atmosphere it manages to conjure during your stay there.
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Niche Gamer
05/07/2022 |
70 |
FOBIA: St. Dinfna Hotel can be best described as a very competent and enjoyable alternative for gamers who enjoyed Resident Evil 7 or Village. It is certainly not perfect, but has nothing broken about it either. Its story is told effectively and has some genuine scares that will make your blood run cold. Classic horror fans will definitely appreciate what FOBIA: St. Dinfna Hotel offers.
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Gfinity Esports
28/06/2022 |
70 |
Fobia: St. Dinfna Hotel may not reinvent the wheel when it comes to survival horror, but it's an engrossing thrill ride nonetheless.
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PC Invasion
Andrew Farrell
27/06/2022 |
70 |
Andrew Farrell
With an interesting environment packed with puzzles and mysteries but a distinct lack of enemy variety and scares, Fobia should only be checked into if you can overlook its detriments.
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Lv1 Gaming
Logan B
09/07/2022 |
70 |
Logan B
While there is a story here. I found that to be another weak spot for the title as there is a lack of cutscenes to spell it all out. The player mostly gets the backstory through collecting letters and notes left around the levels that go more in-depth with the story than what is put out there right in front of the player to grasp.
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Hey Poor Player
27/06/2022 |
70 |
Ultimately, how much enjoyment you get out of Fobia depends on what you’re looking for. If you’re just dying for gripping gunplay with myriad monsters to encounter, there’s no denying that you’ll probably be pretty disappointed with what this title has to offer. But if you can look beyond its rougher edges, Fobia – St. Dinfna Hotel offers tantalizingly terrifying accommodations for survival horror fans.
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Jordan Devore
27/06/2022 |
65 |
Jordan Devore
Fobia – St. Dinfna Hotel is worth playing for patient survival horror fans who want something lighter on combat, and can handle budget-constrained rough edges. Monsters wander around in an effort to raise the stakes, but the focus is on meticulous exploration, just-cryptic-enough puzzle-solving, and mentally mapping out the many, many hotel halls.
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Adam Dileva
12/07/2022 |
65 |
Adam Dileva
When I finished the hotel section I was ecstatic, thinking I was done, then it opened up to a completely different section. FOBIA certainly overstays its welcome though if you have a great memory or keep track of how to get back and forth from area to area without a map you might not have as much time wasted from constant backtracking as I did. Priced at just under $40 CAD, there’s certainly a decent amount of gameplay to be had, though you’ll need to be a fan of puzzles, inventory management, backtracking and fighting the same enemy repeatedly in FOBIA - St. Dinfna Hotel.
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The Outer Haven
Andrew Agress
05/07/2022 |
60 |
Andrew Agress
Fobia – St. Dinfna Hotel offers an embarrassment of riches for horror game fans, but throwing all of the best scary game mechanics into one title and hoping they make for a great game doesn’t quite pan out. Still, this hotel should satisfy those players looking for some old-school scares, even if others may want to consider spending the night elsewhere.
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Capsule Computers
27/06/2022 |
60 |
Fobia – St. Dinfna Hotel feels like its at its best when it is offering players unique puzzles and challenges like many classic games have in the past and its more modern take on offering first person horror does work rather well at least while initially exploring areas. Unfortunately its lack of challenge when it comes to combat and enemy variety makes any enemy encounter a lackluster one. Thankfully the story is just interesting enough to make it through to the end, even if players have to deal with an incredibly generic lead character to do so.
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Paul Broussard
11/07/2022 |
55 |
Paul Broussard
Overall, Fobia is a fine enough experience that I find myself neither getting particularly excited for nor heavily disliking. It’s certainly not a bad horror game by any means, but nothing about the experience really stands out in my mind. Everything that Fobia does has been done both worse and better by other titles. There’s potential in the concept, providing some of the rougher edges are smoothed off, however as it stands Fobia is the horror game equivalent of a plain bagel; nothing too offensive, just a little bland, and you know some cream cheese would go a long way.
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Ricky Knight
07/07/2022 |
50 |
Ricky Knight
Unfortunately though, it all adds up to a survival horror experience that is hard to recommend. You may enjoy some of the puzzles and how the game looks. But other indie games have done it better. There’s promise underneath all the cruft, and I do hope there’s another crack at this from the team, but I can’t say I enjoyed much in Fobia outside of the visuals. Fobia reminded how hard it is to pull off a tight survival horror experience. I kept waiting for something to truly surprise me or show me a twist I hadn’t seen before. Ultimately, I wanted something more.
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