No es Pais para Frikis
02/11/2020 |
G.I. JOE es el típico juego en el que se tienen que usar, a la fuerza, dos varas de medir. Si eres un millennial que desconoce la diferencia entre “Bic Naranja y Bic Cristal” en G.I.JOE Operación Blackout te vas a encontrar un shooter en tercera persona bastante resultón pero que no aporta nada a lo visto antes en el género. Sin embargo si eres de los que al oír la expresión “cajón de sastre” recuerdan inmediatamente a Miriam Díaz Aorca automáticamente este juego gana muchos enteros, ya no es solo un shooter más, es una oportunidad de revivir las aventuras de unos los héroes favoritos de nuestra infancia, de convertirte por unas horas en Snake Eyes o en Storm Shadow, es una oportunidad de recordar cuando los sábados por la mañana eran, de verdad, especiales y eso amigos míos no se puede explicar con una nota numérica al pie de un texto.
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Xbox Tavern
26/10/2020 |
I am pleasantly surprised coming out of G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout after playing through the 17 story missions multiple times. Once you gather the controls it’s a simple game with decent visuals and audio that can entertain you for hours. I wish the game offered more than local co-op only but those with friends should be able to enjoy it together cooperatively and competitively.
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24/11/2020 |
If you're a sentimental fan of G.I. Joe, then you are the most likely to truly enjoy this game. G.I. Joe fans will enjoy the characters, the things to collect, the Saturday morning cartoon-ish visuals, as well as the campy cartoony storyline. For all others, this will just come across as a run-of-the-mill third-person shooter game that will require some patience to find a control scheme setting you can work with.
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13/11/2020 |
G.I.JOE: Operation Blacktou no es un producto de esos que intentan sacarnos los cuartos basándose en una licencia que amamos y ofreciendo un producto pobre y olvidable. Pero tampoco es el juego que estas míticas figuras merecían. Digamos que está en un término medio. Un shooter en tercera persona genérico y tradicional, de esos que hay a patadas en Xbox pero que tiene a su favor estar basado en una licencia muy atractiva y ofrecer un título que, a pesar de su poca originalidad, es entretenido y no es un mal videojuego. Seguramente la licencia merece un título mejor pero, mientras tanto, este G.I.JOE: Operation Blackout puede ofrecer algunas horas de diversión a los seguidores de la franquicia y además se lanza a precio reducido. Eso sí, hay muchos juegos mejores en su género. Pero pesa tanto la nostalgia...
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19/10/2020 |
Lo que nos ofrece este shooter en tercera persona es algo que hemos vivido en innumerables títulos precedentes y con mejor fortuna en la mayoría de ellos. Sin embargo, esta falta de originalidad queda compensada por diversos factores, como evidentemente el hecho de estar respaldada por una franquicia conocida como es G.I. Joe, siendo además una de las pocas producciones que recordamos que merecen la pena de las basadas en la conocida serie de Hasbro. Pero el juego posee otras cualidades, como un modo campaña interesante y relativamente extenso que además puede ser disfrutado en cooperativo a pantalla dividida. Y a esto se suma el modo multijugador para cuatro usuarios que, de manera casi incomprensible en los tiempos que corren, únicamente funciona de manera local. Una obra entretenida en su conjunto y bastante disfrutable para los entusiastas de la acción directa sin demasiadas complicaciones.
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21/10/2020 |
G.I Joe: Operation Blackout se trata de un shooter genérico pero que cumple con lo prometido traernos un enfrentamiento épico y que puede gustar más o menos a los fans.
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Digital Chumps
29/10/2020 |
The sum of the parts makes for a game that’s very much aimed at GI Joe fans, and that’s great. There are a lot of fan service games out there, most of which have no interest from me, but this one did. Between that nostalgia and innate interest, and recognizing very early on that this game is by far best played with a couch co-op buddy, GI Joe Operation Blackout is fun in spurts. I enjoyed the different feel to the characters and the story was entertaining as well. There’s a lot of pretty good elements to the game, but repetitive level design and gameplay, blah AI, and aiming woes taint the experience considerably — not necessarily to deal-breaker territory, but just proceed with caution.
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The Sixth Axis
26/10/2020 |
There is some fun to be had in G.I. Joe Operation Blackout. The story is great but there is an over reliance on making you defend a position while wave upon wave on enemies attack. It's lower priced than most new releases but even taking that into account I can only really recommend this to die hard Joe fans.
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Finger Guns
19/10/2020 |
It’s not perfect and there is not much variety but when you do play it, you can’t help but enjoy it for what it is. I guess it must say something if I enjoyed playing this more than I did the Avengers game.
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Hardcore Gamer
17/10/2020 |
No one can argue that G.I. Joe: Operation Cobra is anything but nostalgia bait. It’s designed to pull down the rose-tinted glasses of middle-aged Gen-Xers and keep their kids mildly entertained. But considering that the developers were working with a limited budget, it’s actually halfway decent nostalgia bait. The levels might get reused once or twice, but there are decent lighting effects and some of the areas are smartly designed and fun to explore. There’s a decent enough variety of mission objectives to keep from getting boring over the modest play time. The motion comics, voice acting and sound is done at the perfect level to bring back those memories of the Reagan years, when us kids didn’t understand what Iran/Contra was, but the game Contra was cool. If it weren’t for bad gunplay and aiming mechanics that have to be surmounted, Operation Blackout would be an easy recommend for the interested. As is, it does require a patient and forgiving player. Those that can find their way around this issue, though, will have a better time than the poor kid who got the Radar Rat.
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Switch Player
12/11/2020 |
G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout aims to rekindle the campy military antics of the celebrated American toyline. The result is a shooter that’s serviceable, yet wholly unsurprising in its execution. You can go at it alone, but it’s more fun gunning enemies with a friend.
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Pure Nintendo
13/11/2020 |
Overall I think G.I. Joe Operation Blackout is decent but will quickly fall into obscurity with the abundance of better quality third-person shooters on modern consoles. In my opinion, the diehard genre fans won’t give much thought to this without online gameplay. In truth, this game will mostly appeal to a limited niche, mainly GI-Joe fans.
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31/10/2020 |
G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout on Xbox One has an audience, but I can’t imagine it’s a very big one. The title is perfectly serviceable but there are so many options that are of higher quality and more worthy of your time that it’s tricky to want to get involved here. However if you are a fan of this franchise, it will be a fun romp through the world of G.I. Joe; something which is perhaps all it was ever trying to be in the first place. Remember, knowing the score is only half the battle.
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PC Player (Alemania)
11/12/2020 |
G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout is een zeer fatsoenlijke third-person shooter, die vooral met een maatje leuk is om door te spelen. Echt heel lang zal je niet met het spel zoet zijn, want door het vele herhalen in het spel zullen veel mensen het niet nog eens door willen spelen. De Achievements dagen je daartoe echter wel uit. Na het spel gewoon uit gespeeld te hebben, had ik nog nauwelijks punten. Voor de gevraagde veertig euro krijg je waar voor je geld, maar zal je ook geen onvergetelijke ervaring voorgeschoteld krijgen.
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Generación Xbox
23/10/2020 |
La historia y los personajes de este G.I. Joe sin duda son lo mejor que tiene el juego, recreados con bastante cuidado y eso lo notarán los fans de las figuras de Hasbro con tan solo echar un primer vistazo al juego. Sin embargo, un sistema de control que además de no innovar nada a veces no funciona bien y una estructura de misiones repetitiva y sin gracia lastra mucho la experiencia para un jugador (ya sea solo o en cooperativo).
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26/10/2020 |
Una idea que podría haber funcionado mucho mejor, ejecutada de una forma muy pobre. Una sensación de descuido que genera muy mala impresión y la cual duele bastante, sobre todo al darnos cuenta de que no estamos ante un juego aburrido.
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25/11/2020 |
Al principio parece que puede no estar mal, pero no tardan en aparecer sus numerosos fallos, especialmente en lo jugable. La falta de modos online acaba por rematarlo. Al menos la historia tiene cierto encanto así como su acabado visual.
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20/10/2020 |
Operation Blackout nails the nostalgia. Everything about this package is incredible for fans of G.I. Joe. The problem is the game play itself. The shooting is not fun and for a game that revolves around that, it is hard to ignore. I kept playing wanting to love this game and simply could not. I hope the developers tweak and fix these issues as this game is begging me to love it. As it stands though it is a disappointing trip down memory lane. Now if you will excuse me I am going to go back to playing it in hopes that I can find enjoyment in nostalgia.
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Cultured Vultures
20/10/2020 |
I was hoping to end this review by saying that G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout was just fine, fun without needing to do anything new or innovative, or possessing any major flaws — even if there were some funny visual glitches and it froze on me twice — because it did the things that kept me playing and pressing buttons — at first. I thought it was just fun shooting where I got to play as characters I’m connected to and enjoy, and that was the case for the first few hours, but then all the toys started to break and I was soon left with the understanding that everything was a cheap plastic shell. I was thankful to play as my childhood heroes and some of Cobra’s most badass soldiers, but that’s the best thing about this otherwise sub-par game. Thanks for keeping an IP I love alive, but please try a little harder next time.
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Comunidad Xbox
27/10/2020 |
Con todo el universo expandido que existe alrededor de la saga, sus carismáticos personajes, y las mil y una aventuras que podemos vivir, no hubiese sido muy difícil hacer un juego de G.I. Joe decente. La obra de GameMill Studios plantea buenas bases. Una apuesta sobre el papel que llama la atención, pero que no está pulida de manera correcta. G.I.Joe: Operation Blackout hubiese funcionado bien hace 10 años. A día de hoy, el control es muy tosco, las misiones muy repetitivas, la IA inexistente y el apartado visual bastante pobre. Al menos, siempre nos queda la posibilidad de disparar al enemigo gracias a su cooperativo local o un multijugador resultón (también local). Cobra Commander ha ganado esta vez.
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08/12/2020 |
G.I. Joe Operation Blackout es un shooter genérico y mediocre, aunque puede que lo toleres si eres fan de la franquicia: su universo está bien representado, y gráficamente es atractivo incluso en Nintendo Switch.
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Gaming Age
23/10/2020 |
I think you’d have to have an awful lot of love for G.I. Joe to get much enjoyment out of Operation Blackout, and even then, I can’t see this being a game that someone will pick up and play again and again. There is an option for local co-op and multiplayer, and there are a series of collectibles to gather in each stage with a couple of unlockables. There are also modifiers you can enable after completing a mission, which lets you run through the mission again with things like unlimited ammo, increased health, and so on, which would be neat if the stages themselves were any fun to begin with. I wish I could wholeheartedly suggest checking out G.I. Joe Operation Blackout, but I don’t think a solid roster of playable characters and an enjoyable story is enough to put up with the lackluster gameplay.
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18/12/2020 |
Overall G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout is a mixed bag. Devotees will enjoy its general feel and a dedication to matching the tone of the property, but as a game it does leave something to be desired. It's certainly not the worst G.I. Joe game, but there's definitely more that can be done with the franchise.
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17/10/2020 |
G.I. Joe: Operazione Blackout è una semplice operazione commerciale per spingere un marchio, nulla di più e nulla di meno. Ci troviamo per le mani un prodotto realizzato per fare cassa sugli appassionati e che non mette in mostra alcuna buona idea originale. Il multiplayer solo in locale poi, è la ciliegina sulla torta di un progetto che non trova alcun senso nel mercato attuale, se non quello di far giocare un pubblico decisamente giovane ad uno sparatutto in terza persona, senza ricordarsi però che là fuori i giocatori anche più freschi sono ormai abituati a qualità visive e tecniche di ben altro spessore.
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25/10/2020 |
There's a nugget of an excellent game located within G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout, but this outmoded third-person shooter unfortunately doesn't have the resources, scope, or variety to expand upon its unmistakable potential. With repetitive objectives, frustrating controls, and a lack of online multiplayer, G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout isn't fun enough to stand out in a crowded shooter marketplace, despite the obvious and heartfelt passion on display for the '80s franchise.
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20/10/2020 |
Outside of nostalgia, G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout does not stand apart from the generic third-person shooter, and its inconsistent gameplay and repetitive missions further mute its impact.
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Nintendo Life
Stuart Gipp
24/10/2020 |
Stuart Gipp
If we've made this game sound thoroughly generic, that's because it is. But it's not a disaster — Operation Blackout has plenty to do, with unlockable skins and modifiers to mess around with if you get into it, and there's love for the G.I Joe property here, so fans of the toys may get a kick out of it. For everyone else, though, it's a very difficult game to recommend. If you want a third-person shooter on Switch, Rebellion's Rogue Trooper or Zombie Army Trilogy are both better buys. And now you know. And knowing is half the- actually, no, forget it. We're not even going to finish the thought. We're better than that.
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24/10/2020 |
G.I. Joe: Operation Blackpoint è purtroppo un titolo mediocre, che non brilla in nessun'aspetto. Un'operazione commerciale, che a parte una grafica in cel-shading a tratti gradevole, offre un TPS senza arte né parte. Noioso, scialbo e poco rifinito, ecco le parole chiave di una produzione che avrebbe necessitato di ben più lavoro e attenzione; un prodotto, insomma, da cui fareste bene a stare alla larga.
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18/12/2020 |
G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout is messy. The presentation is inconsistent, while the story is serviceable at best. The addition of local multiplayer outweighs the lack of online play, and the game is lengthy enough. However, the poor combat mechanics drag down the experience heavily, and on a platform that's absolutely bursting with more competent third-person shooters, this is one that you can easily pass on.
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22/10/2020 |
In a PlayStation Blog post to promote the game, IguanaBee declares G. I. Joe Operation Blackout is a game “for fans by fans.” Speaking as a fan, that feels like an empty statement. I’m pleased that the characters are closer in appearance to the original cartoon despite the more contemporary, high-tech setting but the rest of the game looks like a generic gun-centric action game. I really do hate being so overly negative about games but the fact of the matter is this is a one-trick pony that can’t do it’s single trick effectively. The visuals are unimpressive and combat is boring, tedious, and doesn’t make much sense from a narrative perspective. If the Joes are perfectly capable of turning the androids against COBRA whenever you’re playing as the bad guys, why don’t they just do that on a global scale and end this nonsense? At the end of the day, G. I. Joe Operation Blackout is hurt by a campaign that is neither fun nor a fitting tribute to a classic pop culture license. There’s multiplayer - local only - but I strongly doubt people are going to stick around to try it out. What it all comes down to in the end is that $40 is far too great a price to ask for this limping tribute to G. I. Joe.
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PC Gamer Svenska
27/10/2020 |
Este es un producto de marketing para empujar otro sub producto, aunque cómo videojuego no esta roto, realmente no tiene nada que destaque o muestre esfuerzo por parte del desarrollador.
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01/12/2020 |
GI Joe: Operation Blackout could have been something special, but it doesn’t capitalize on its nostalgia effectively, and has too many shortcomings to stand out in any meaningful way against the countless action games already available on every platform. It might be worthwhile as co-op fodder with a younger player, but everyone else might want to give this a pass.
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20/10/2020 |
Ultimately, G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout is a team-based third-person shooter with poor aiming, atrocious enemy A.I., and no online multiplayer options. That should tell you all you need to know, basically. It’s not the worst game you can buy right now, so if you’re a huge G.I. Joe fan and pick it up on a whim you might have some fun with it. Anyone with more self-control, however, should either wait for it to be deeply discounted, or simply forget it exists. You won’t be missing out on anything worthwhile if you never play it.
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