Steel Racer is a love letter to racing games of the past. It has the look of OutRun and the control scheme of the old racers. The goal here is to jump into one of the fifty races and win the race, as you drive around you can pick up nitro charges, boosts, and cash to buy new upgrades and paint jobs for your car. Changing your car color is cool as the paint pots are lined up in the garage and you just jump and touch the paint to change the car color. Back to the gameplay and depending on your traction settings depend on how much you Drift and turn the corners but either way, it’s surprisingly satisfying. Hitting opponents slow you down but not as much as other games like to, there are day, night, and other weather effects to race in, and generally, it always plays well. The game is very repetitive but somehow relaxing with its accessible and simple path to progress. I was never wowed but I never stopped playing either so that says a lot. You can replay races and build up cash as the later upgrades do get a bit grundy but honestly, it’s harmless. Overall I found Steel Racers to be a good love letter to older racing games and despite its repetition, it’s a very chilled-out addictive racer.

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