OK, so the Flat Kingdom looks cool with its papercraft-style graphics and Cutesy characters. You play as 3 people at once, you hotswap between them and each one is a unique shape with its own actions, triangle is fast, the circle double jumps and the square does heavy slams, it makes for a rock paper scissors style combat system and injects a small number of puzzle elements to proceedings. All the ideas make for a very mediocre experience, I never felt like the game got going or felt cohesive. It’s a game that just never really gels it all together and instead makes simple tasks a pain on the ass, the combat is one that you constantly forget about so you just mash through the shapes every fight. Even if you get past that and just get going with it the boss fights are so confusing and bullet spongy that the journey generally ends up in a swear-laden fit of rage. Flat Kingdom Papers Cut Edition is an attempt at a fun unique platform romp but never sticks the landing.

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