This game did truly surprise me with its depth and creativity. For the first hour, it feels like a Pokemon-style game but without the freedom of catching as many creatures as you want. After that initial hour, the game really starts to open up, you have so much to upgrade from runes to adding new abilities to your creatures, the levels are split up into small event runs and you can choose what to do and where to go whenever you want, each will say the type of enemy and loot you can find so it does help with crafting, etc. It’s still hard to get my head around the fact your actual character doesn’t do any attacks and the way in which you capture is unique but very fiddly and stressful. All said it’s a game that has you thinking you have seen it all but you really haven’t and you get another dollop of content. I found myself doing run after run just to build up fragments, cash, and exp. Honestly, don’t let the visuals or general descriptions put you off, Adore is an adventure game like no other and whilst it takes some time and work to get the most out of it, the gameplay more than holds up.

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